Braces can give you the teeth you’ve always wanted. Whether you have gaps, crooked teeth, or bite problems, braces could be the answer for you. Here at Moderna Dental Studio, we carry a variety of different braces for your unique needs. With our dedicated team of orthodontic and dental professionals, we can improve your smile, straighten teeth, and boost your overall dental health. Contact us today to find the most reliable braces in Farmers Branch, TX!
Braces: Brief Overview
Braces have been straightening teeth for decades. While these devices have seen some advancements over the years, the same concept is still used today. Braces move teeth with the help of metal brackets, wires, and bands. The brackets are attached to each tooth, while the wires are connected to those brackets using bands. The constant pressure created by this appliance is what moves your teeth together over the span of months.
Types of Braces
There are a variety of braces to cater to your specific needs. The type you choose will depend on the kind of issue you have, including your personal preference.
Take a look at the different types of braces below:
Metal Braces
When you think of braces, metal braces may come to mind. These involve the use of stainless steel brackets, wires, and bands. The brackets are bonded to each tooth, while the wires and bands are connected to those brackets.
Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces are very similar to metal braces. The only difference is that these devices are made with tooth-colored ceramic instead of metal. That said, they blend in much better with your smile. This is a good option for those who don’t like the appearance of metal braces.
Lingual Braces
If you want to hide your braces as much as possible, consider lingual braces. These are placed on the back surface of your teeth instead of the front. While these appliances have some downsides, they’re far less noticeable than traditional braces.
Self-Ligating Braces
Self-ligating braces appear just like regular braces, but there are some stark differences. Rather than using regular bands, these devices utilize a built-in system to hold the wires in place. Many people choose these braces for improved comfort, less food buildup, and faster treatment times.
High-Quality Braces in Farmers Branch, TX
No matter the braces you have in mind, Moderna Dental Studio has your solution! In just months, we can give you the smile you’ve always wanted. Our braces can fix a wide variety of issues, including severely crooked teeth and significant bite issues. Contact us today to work with the leading orthodontist in Farmers Branch, TX!